
Thursday, August 23, 2018

How to Make Real Money Online

How to Make Real Money Online

When I started my search on the net for the best CMP ad networks, I happened to stumble on a known AdBrite site. When I was digging for the dirt in this company, which I always wanted to do was confronted with mixed feelings about what Adbrite was all about well and of course some bad.

I thought that I owed you guys the more to look at the program and see what their CPM ads really are?

The joining and account set up in AdBrite is surprisingly easy, no wait to get approved or other nonsense we all deal with on other advertising platforms, sign up and go!

It's sad to see why soon, the CPM ads that offer my sites and blogs almost paid anything, the first day I got over 3000 impressions and just made how many cents?

How to Make Real Money Online
Even for those who have extermly high traffic on their sites are waiting to be paid for this program so overall AdBrite CPM SUCKS BALLS AND MUST BE SURE!

As always guys it's just what I'm thinking about this company, because of the fact that no real money can ever be made on their CPM platform.

As the guys are doing well if you have any good come from AdBrite CPM ad post your tips and comments for the rest of us to hear.

Hey guys for the last couple of weeks I'm getting lots of people asking me about using CMP ads on their sites and blogs.

Think of CMP as paid for every thousand impressions, which is a great way to make sure that you pay for all your traffic. I found mixing these types of ads with Paid per click ads like adsense and inline text links such as Link Information or Kontera works well when trying to make money off your blogs and websites alike.

So lets jump to this and start hunting on some of the great CPM Networks that can make us all the little extra money online.

Like always guys if you know any great ad networks in CPM or have any questions be sure to post comments and I'll start my search for some great networks we can use to make of MONEY!

Our first up coming to alternative adsense is a site called, thus allowing an in-depth look at this company and see if it can really scale up to adsense and make all some cash.
I just go to the Adbrite homepage to see what the site is about and is really dissatisfied and here's why

Fewer choices of ad block sizes

long wait to be paid

Advertisements that are empty pages will be traffic jamming

Super low paying CPM ads

Most ads have nothing to do with my content which means no clicks

The only cool thing I've seen about Adbrite is super easy to get and flat rate ads look pretty hard to get.

I honestly found AdBrite personally to be kind of lame and did not recommend it to anyone who wants to earn money from their website or blog, but make sure guys post your comments and let us know everyone will think you're about AdBrite and if there's any money to do.

This is a dangerous question, What is the best way to make money blogging?

Some people say I'm affiliate marketing, paying every ad on the ad network or even spending on every advertising impression but I have to say hard work and tons and tons of posts.

How to Make Real Money Online
It does not matter what kind of general monetization you acquire under yourself, no matter how well your placements are in adsense, if you have no traffic and content to back up your never make a lot of blogging.

I would also like to say depending on the subject of your blog or site to mix all of the above in a leaner meaning moneymaking system.

For example, use a mix of PPC ads with CPM ads and look for some types of products that sell matching themes on your site.

The best advertising networks to start with have to be of course Google Adsense, Click Bank and Amazon but you should also think about joining a somekind of CPM ad network so you can earn money even though those Visitors do not click ads or buy your products.

Generally the best way to make money blogging is to write solid content and use whatever way to make money to monetize your site content.

As always guys make sure you guys post you the links and comments and let us know all of what you think is the best way to make money blogging.

For the last couple of years, millions of new blogs are raising all the net and each one is trying to make some money online.

So the question is you can really make money online blogging?
And the answer is yes of course you can, but you have to work hard and stay on it because unlike many newbie think it will not happen over night.

So how do I start blogging?
Starting a blog is very easy in these days and there's even free hosting from sites like wordpress and blogger.
It is important to suggest that you skip free hosting and purchase your own URL and hosting that can be done inexpensively with hosting companies like with plans as low as 4 bucks a month.

So I got the hosting for my blog what's next?
Well after your host you will need some kind of software to create you blog. The best best for beginners is to press the word and it's also free so you do not go wrong.

Using word press can be frustrating at first to take it slowly, grab a free word hit the theme you want, which is the layout of your site, then pick up some useful ones plug-ins like ninja tagging and your on your way to writing this content to yourself.

So I got the content on my blog how can I get some money here?
Depending on what your blog is about there are tons of different ways you can monetize your blog and make money then you.

Pay per click advertising
Pay per click advertising networks such as adsense, Adbrite and many others allow you to easily place advertisements in your blog posts and earn money when one of your visitor clicks on the ad.

These faces work best for content and media sites, let's say your blog is about learning Japanese or posting a lot of video images after pay per click advertising is your it's best to make your blog a monetize.

On the other hand if you are trying to sell something if it's products or services pay per click ads may actually work against you sending potential customers away from your site for a few cents.

CPM advertising
Another great way to monetize your content or media sites is with CPM advertising, usually cost per mille or thousand impressions. Even though pay out may be very weak and I mean about 2 bucks per thousand views, this is a way to make money from all the web traffic that comes with your blog.

Affiliate Marketing
Whatever your blog is about, some of which on the net have a company that sells content-related products on your blog and they are ready to pay you cold hard cash for bringing in sales.

With money on blogging, do not think that your going to get rich overnight!
As always be sure to post your comments and let us know what works best for you when it comes to blogging for bucks.

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